Commission on Central Europe
Chairperson | Agnieszka Kastory |
Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson |
Artur Patek Mirella Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska |
Secretary | Rafał Woźnica |
The commission was established in 1991 on the initiative of Henryk Batowski. It brought together researchers interested in the archaeology, history, and culture of the nations inhabiting central and eastern Europe. In 1993, the Eastern Europe Commission emerged as a separate entity from within the Central Europe Commission. From then on, the Central Europe Commission (one of the most active) has been engaged with themes related to the area that lies between the Baltic and Adriatic seas, between the Łaba [Elbe], Niemen [Neman], and Bug rivers, and on both banks of the central Danube. The current focus of the commission’s research is on national revival, the fate of organisations of states (including the former Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Hungary), and the political history of ethnically, culturally and religiously mixed regions and their mutual relations. The commission has already produced an impressive body of work, which appears in its proceedings (edited by Jan Machnik and Irena Stawowy-Kawka).
Go to the webpage of the journal Central European and Balkan Studies at:
We are pleased to announce that volume XXVI of Central European and Balkan Studies has been commended by the panel of judges of the Professor Jerzy Skowronek Prize. The prize is awarded by the editorial board of Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI [BOOKS: the Literary Monthly] and the jury is chaired by prof. dr hab. Jarosław Czubaty. This year saw the prize’s twenty-third edition, and the award ceremony was held on 18 May 2018 during the Warsaw Book Fair.
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Baczkowski Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Iwańczak Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kastory Prof. dr hab. István Kovács |
Commission Members | ||
Dr hab. Jan Jacek Bruski, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Antoni Cetnarowicz Dr hab. Anna Citkowska-Kimla, prof. UJ Dr hab. Tadeusz Czekalski Dr hab. Wojciech Drelicharz Dr hab. Andrzej Dubicki, prof. UŁ Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Dymarski Dr hab. Andrzej Essen, prof. UKEN Dr Katarzyna Fijołek-Kwaśniewska Dr hab. Tomasz Graff Dr Miloš Jačov Dr hab. Agnieszka Kastory, prof. UJ Dr hab. Piotr Kimla, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Roman Kochnowski Dr hab. Tadeusz Kopyś, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Marek Kornat Prof. dr hab. Julian Kornhauser Dr hab. Mirella Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Józef Łaptos Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Mazur Dr hab. Mariusz Misztal, prof. UP Prof. Jan Nemeček Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Nowak Dr hab. Krzysztof Nowak Dr Paweł Nowakowski Prof. dr hab. Ewa Orlof Prof. dr hab. Artur Patek Prof. Aron Petneki Dr hab. Stanisław Pijaj, prof. UJ Dr Krzysztof Popek Dr hab. Krzysztof Prokop Prof. dr hab. Michał Pułaski Prof. dr hab. Danuta Quirini-Popławska Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Romanowski Dr hab. Jan Rydel, prof. UP Dr Paweł Skorut Dr hab. Janusz Smołucha Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Andrzej Sroka Dr hab. Aleksandra Stankowicz, prof. ATH Prof. dr hab. Irena Stawowy-Kawka Dr hab. Henryk Walczak, prof. US Dr Rafał Woźnica Dr hab. Piotr Wróbel, prof. UJ |
Commission on Eastern Europe
Chairperson | Helena Duć-Fajfer |
Deputy Chairperson | Jan Bruski |
Secretary | Adam Świątek |
The commission emerged from within the Central Europe Commission, which had been formed two years earlier. Though it studies all of the countries of eastern Europe, the research specialisations of its members mean that Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine are now the commission’s primary areas of interest. It strives in its research to take account of the broadest spectrum of issues related to the region’s past and present, including archaeology, history, literature, religion, art, languages, and sociological and political questions.
The commission’s activities are not restricted to seminars alone. It also organises conferences (e.g. Lemkos and Lemko Studies in Poland and Forms of Patriotism in Eastern Europe) and panel discussions. Volumes addressing single and multiple themes have appeared in the commission’s proceedings, which are edited by Andrzej A. Zięba.
Commission Members
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Prof. dr Paul Robert Magocsi Prof. dr hab. Aleksander Naumow Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ożóg |
Commission Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Betlej Prof. dr hab. Piotr Borek Dr hab. Jan Bruski, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Teresa Chynczewska-Hennel Dr hab. Helena Duć-Fajfer, prof. UJ Dr hab. Henryk Głębocki Dr hab. Agnieszka Gronek, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kapuścik Dr hab. Oleg Łatyszonek, prof. UwB Dr hab. Ewa Michna, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Antoni Mironowicz Dr Vitality Nagirnyy Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Nowak Dr hab. prof. nadz. Włodzimierz Osadczy Dr hab. Elżbieta Przybył-Sadowska, prof. UJ Dr Yanina Ryier Dr hab. Jakub Sadowski, prof. UJ Dr hab. Małgorzata Smorąg-Różycka, prof. UJ Dr Stanisław Stępień Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Stopka Dr Adam Świątek Dr hab. Katarzyna Warmińska-Zygmunt, prof. UEK |
Commission on Law
Chairperson | Jerzy Pisuliński |
Deputy Chairperson | Jan Widacki |
Secretary | Hanna Knysiak-Sudyka |
The commission, which constitutes a forum for discussion of current questions, changes, and new developments in law, is composed of lawyers representing almost all branches of public and private law. It aims to formulate non-political opinions on draft normative acts, paying particular attention to bills relating to institutions of fundamental importance to the legal system. The commission’s opinions and assessments are based on sound scientific research designed in accordance with the rules of methodology appropriate to legal science. It is worth stressing here that papers are often presented by researchers from various Polish universities who are not members of the commission, as well as by scholars from abroad.
Its seminars and discussions are, as a rule, open and are therefore very well attended – not only by commission members, but also by non-members, including academics, legal professionals, and even undergraduates and postgraduates.
Two journals appear under the auspices of the commission: Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Private Law Quarterly] and Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych [Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies].
- Go to the webpage of the „Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego” (Private Law Quarterly)
- Go to the webpage of the „Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych” (Criminal Law and Penal Studies)
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Biernat Prof. dr hab. Ewa Łętowska Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Markiewicz Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mączyński Prof. dr hab. Maksymilian Pazdan Prof. dr hab. Marek Safjan Prof. dr hab. Wacław Uruszczak Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Waltoś Prof. dr hab. Jan Widacki Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Zoll |
Commission Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Bartosz Brożek Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Dudzik Dr hab. Monika Florczak-Wątor, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki Prof. dr hab. Bogusława Gnela Prof. dr hab. Piotr Kardas Dr hab. Inga Kawka, prof. UP Prof. dr hab. Hanna Knysiak-Sudyka Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Krajewski Dr hab. Jan Lic, prof. UEK Ks. prof. dr hab. Franciszek Longchamps de Berier Prof. dr hab. Adam Nita Dr hab. Barbara Nita-Światłowska Prof. dr hab. Iwona Niżnik-Dobosz Dr hab. Marlena Pecyna, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Pisuliński Dr hab. Janusz Raglewski, prof. UJ Dr hab. Marta Romańska Prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Sobczyk Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Stec Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Stelmach Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Szumański Dr hab. Andrzej Światłowski, prof. UJ Dr hab. Piotr Tuleja, prof. UJ Dr hab. Włodzimierz Wróbel, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Załucki Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Zawada Prof. dr hab. Fryderyk Zoll |
Commission on the History and Culture of Jews
Chairperson | Leszek Hońdo |
Deputy Chairperson | Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha |
Deputy Chairperson | Magdalena Ruta |
Secretary | Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska |
The activities of the commission, which was formed in 1995 and brings together researchers from a number of disciplines, concern the history and culture of the Jews in Poland and Europe. It holds regular meetings with papers and discussions, and also organises, together with the Polish Society for Jewish Studies, the Institute of Jewish Studies at the Jagiellonian University, and the Institute of Religious Studies at the Jagiellonian University, regular Judaic conferences (1995, 1998, 2002, 2007, 2010, 2014) under the title, Jews and Judaism in Contemporary Polish Research. The resulting proceedings are published under the same title.
Commission Members
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Prof. dr hab. Jacek Purchla Prof. dr hab. med. Aleksander B. Skotnicki |
Commission Members | ||
Dr Mirosława Maria Bułat Prof. dr hab. Czesław Brzoza Prof. dr hab. Edward Dąbrowa Dr hab. Jan Doktór Dr Irmina Gadowska Dr hab. Michał Galas, prof. UJ Dr Edyta Gawron Dr hab. Stefan Gąsiorowski, prof. UJ, PAN Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Gąsowski Dr hab. Leszek Hońdo Dr hab. Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha Dr Tomasz Jankowski Dr Alicja Jarkowska-Natkaniec Ks. prof. dr hab. Łukasz Kamykowski Dr Zdzisław Kapera Prof. dr hab. Adam Kaźmierczyk Prof. dr hab. Maria Kłańska Dr Hanna Kozińska-Witt Dr Jacek Krupa Dr Andrzej K. Link-Lenczowski Dr Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska Ks. prof. dr hab. Stanisław Mędala Dr hab. Anna Michałowska-Mycielska Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Ochman Prof. dr hab. Eugenia Prokop-Janiec Dr hab. Dariusz Rozmus Dr hab. Magdalena Ruta, prof. UJ Dr Agata Rybińska Dr hab. Magdalena Sitarz, prof. UJ Dr hab. Łukasz Tomasz Sroka, prof. UP Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Stola Dr Natasza Styrna Dr Marek Tuszewicki Dr hab. Maciej Tomal, prof. UJ Dr Ewa Węgrzyn Dr hab. Wacław Wierzbieniec, prof. URz. Prof. dr hab. Marcin Wodziński Dr Przemysław Zarubin Dr hab. Agnieszka Żółkiewska |
Commission on the Prehistory of the Carpathians
Chairperson | Paweł Valde-Nowak |
Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson |
Renata Madyda-Legutko Agnieszka Wacnik |
Secretary | Paweł Jarosz |
The commission, which was formed in 1996, brings together researchers dealing with the earliest history of settlement in the Carpathians, who are mainly archaeologists, but are also palaeobotanists and palaeogeographers. The following research topics are now occupying the commission:
1. Humans in the Carpathians in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene: the Prehistoric use of Carpathian caves.
2. The first farmers and stock rearers in the Carpathians: the question of the neolithisation of the Carpathians.
3. Adaptation of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age settlements to the environmental conditions of the Carpathians: the flourishing of pastoral communities.
4. Settlement processes in late prehistory and protohistory, with particular reference to the early Middle Ages.
Settlement processes in late prehistory and protohistory, with particular reference to the early Middle Ages. The commission’s proceedings do not appear annually. Instead, the results of the research, which mainly involves Polish-Slovakian cooperation, are issued every few years in a number of large volumes. The commission publishes a yearbook entitled Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, which features original work devoted to questions of the archaeology of mountain regions – especially the Carpathians. It first appeared in 1958. Since volume 54 (2019), it has appeared under the PAU imprint.
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Sylwester Czopek Prof. dr hab. Bolesław Ginter Prof. dr hab. Marek Krąpiec Prof. dr hab. Janusz Kruk Prof. dr hab. Maria Łanczont Prof. dr hab. Pál Raczky Prof. dr hab. Stefan Skiba Prof. dr hab. Paweł Valde-Nowak |
Commission Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Jan Chochorowski Dr Bogusław Chorąży Dr hab. Agnieszka Czekaj-Zastawny, prof. PAN Mgr Jan Gancarski Dr hab. Piotr Gębica, prof. UR Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Harmata Dr Paweł Jarosz Dr Małgorzata Kaczanowska Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Kadrow Dr Julia Kościuk-Załupka Dr Magda Kowal Mgr Anna Kraszewska Dr hab. Maria Lityńska-Zajac, prof. IAE PAN Dr Paweł Madej Prof. dr hab. Renata Madyda-Legutko Dr Magdalena Moskal del Hoyo Dr hab. Marek Nowak, prof. UJ Doc. dr hab. Andrzej Obidowicz Prof. dr hab. Michał Parczewski Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Pelisiak Prof. dr hab. Jacek Poleski Dr hab. Marta Połtowicz-Bobak, prof. UR Dr hab. Marcin Przybyła Dr hab. Judyta Rodzińska-Nowak Dr Krzysztof Tunia Dr hab. Agnieszka Wacnik, prof. IB PAN Dr hab. Jarosław Wilczyński Dr hab. Piotr Włodarczak, prof. IAE PAN |
Commission on Economic Sciences
Chairperson | Józef Pociecha |
Deputy Chairperson | Marek Dąbrowski |
Sławomir Śmiech | |
Secretary | Jerzy Marzec |
The commission, whose task is to create a forum for discussion and the formulation of independent scientific opinions on the economic problems of Poland and the contemporary world, as well as to inspire research into improving methods for analysing and forecasting the economic situation, was formed in 2004. Its activities focus on organising lectures, seminars, and talks on current socio-economic issues. Its members are actively involved in research supported by grants and also offer expert advice to public and local government administrations to assist them in solving economic and social problems.
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Hausner | ||
Commission Members | ||
Dr hab. Paweł Chlipała, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Anna Czubała Dr hab. Marek Dąbrowski, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Firlej Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Górka Prof. dr hab. Marek Gruszczyński Prof. dr hab. Henryk Gurgul Dr hab. Piotr Hadrian, prof. UEK Dr hab. Łukasz Lenart, prof. UEK Dr hab. Agnieszka Lipieta, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Paweł Lula Dr hab. Jerzy Marzec, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Roman Niestrój Prof. dr hab. Jacek Osiewalski Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Owsiak Dr hab. Anna Pajor, prof. UEK Dr hab. Monika Papież, prof. UEK Dr hab. Barbara Pawełek, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Mateusz Pipień Prof. dr hab. Józef Pociecha Prof. dr hab. Adam Sagan Dr hab. Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Maria Sierpińska Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Śmiech Dr hab. Paweł Ulman, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wach Dr hab. Agnieszka Wałęga, prof. UEK Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Wawak Prof. dr hab. Aleksander Welfe Prof. dr hab. Jan Wiktor Prof. dr hab. Michał G. Woźniak Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Zioło Dr hab. Agnieszka Żbikowska |
Commission on Ethnography
Chairperson | Róża Godula-Węcławowicz |
Deputy Chairperson | Janusz Barański |
Secretary | Renata Hołda |
The Ethnography Commission was formed in 1926 as a result of the metamorphosis of an older organisational unit – the Anthropology Commission of the Academy of Arts and Sciences – which had functioned since 1874, and whose name reflected the broad understanding that then prevailed of anthropology as a science of man as a participant in the world of nature and culture. Under the common anthropological banner, it brought together representatives of very different disciplines, including geology, geography, physics, mathematics, zoology, anatomy and medicine, archaeology, history, ethnography, and the fine arts. Three sections, concerned with archaeology and anthropology, anthropology (physical), and ethnology, existed within its structure. The establishment of the Ethnography Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences as a separate body in 1926 was the result of the dynamic growth of ethnography/ethnology as an independent academic discipline and of the recognition of this branch of knowledge as valuable. The new commission lost little time in embarking on intensive research work, whose results were published in 17 volumes of proceedings in 1927–1938 and in other, condensed publications. After 1952 the commission found itself a part of the Kraków branch of PAN before, in 2011, with the great majority of its members in favour, returning to its mother institution: PAU.
Retaining its former name, the Ethnography Commission has a wide range of topics on its agenda, reflecting the diverse research fields of contemporary ethnography, ethnology, and cultural anthropology. External scholars affiliated to various academic institutions often give presentations on the theoretical and methodological, as well as the empirical, dimensions of current research into culture under the auspices of the commission. Seminars, talks, and lectures take place monthly and, in addition, the commission occasionally organises or co-organises conferences on specific themes. Extended summaries of the commission's talks, presentations, and lectures are published in the PAU Yearbook. A new series, which features the most outstanding studies, was launched in 2014 under the title, Monografie Komisji Etnograficznej PAU [Monographs of the PAU Ethnography Commission]. Dr hab. Róża Godula-Węcławowicz, professor of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is the chair of its academic committee. In February 2021, the PAU Ethnography Commission, the Polish Folklore Society, the Polish Institute of Anthropology, and the Ethnology Committee of PAN together established the Zofia Sokolowicz Prize for the most engaging – from the perspective of interest, substance, and methodology – doctoral and master’s theses in ethnology and socio-cultural anthropology. One of the prizes is an invitation to give a lecture at a meeting of the commission.
Go to links: spis referatów
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
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Commission Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Barański Dr Ewa Baniowska-Kopacz Prof. dr hab. Halina Florkowska-Franćić Dr hab. Róża Godula-Węcławowicz, prof. IAE PAN Dr hab. Monika Golonka-Czajkowska Dr Krystyna Hermanowicz-Nowak Dr Renata Hołda Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Kantor Dr hab. Ewa Kocój Dr hab. Krzysztof Kowalski Dr hab. Grażyna Kubica-Heller Dr hab. Maciej Kurcz, prof. UŚ Dr Krystyna Kwaśniewicz Dr Magdalena Kwiecińska Dr hab. Urszula Lehr, prof. PAN Dr hab. Anna Niedźwiedź Dr Marek Pawlak Dr Łukasz Sochacki Dr Anna Spiss Prof. dr hab. Ewa Śnieżyńska-Stolot Dr hab. Jan Święch, prof. UJ Dr hab. Stanisława Trebunia-Staszel, prof. UJ Dr Patrycja Trzeszczyńska |
Commission on the History of Wars and Military Science
Chairperson | Marek Herma |
Deputy Chairperson | Piotr Nykiel |
Secretary | Paweł Krokosz |
The original name of the commission, which was established in 2002 as the Commission for the History of World War II, is connected with a conference held in Kraków on the Polish intelligence services during that war. Indeed, that its activities had begun was signalled by the publication of the proceedings of this conference under the title, The Contribution of Polish Intelligence to the Allied Victory in World War II (2004). In 2005, its name was changed to the Commission on the History of Wars and Military Science, which was a better match with the profile of its activities. Its publications include eight volumes of proceedings: six on single themes and two on various ones. Marian Zgórniak, who passed away in 2007, was the founder and first chair of the commission. It is composed of historians whose research interests centre on the history of Polish – and general – military science from the early modern age to the present – with special emphasis on matters associated with World War I and World War II. The papers and talks at its seminars and meetings are given both by its members and by non-member researchers from various Polish universities. The research results the commission presents are solidly grounded in the sources and in a thorough review of the research literature. Hence its talks, seminars, and conferences are of great interest to postgraduates and undergraduates alike.
The scholarship of the commission is recorded in twelve volumes of proceedings published by PAU.
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kastory | ||
Commission Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Michał Baczkowski |
Commission on Archaeology of Mediterranean Countries
Chairperson | Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka |
Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson |
Janusz Czebreszuk Tomasz Scholl |
Secretary | Kamil Kopij |
The aim of the commission, which was established in 2016, is to integrate the community of Polish archaeologists and other specialists, such as architects and conservators, conducting research in the Mediterranean region – as that area is broadly understood. In its research, it deals with the period from the Paleolithic age to the early Byzantine period. Prof. dr hab. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka was responsible for launching the commission. Its activities focus on organising scientific meetings and sessions, as well as panel discussions, during which members and invited guests share their research results and their experiences of fieldwork in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean.
See the commission’s Facebook page:
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Bolesław Ginter Prof. Olivier Aurenche |
Commission Members | ||
Dr Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner Prof. dr hab. Piotr Bieliński Dr Rafał Bieńkowski Dr Andrzej Biernacki Dr hab. Jarosław Bodzek, prof. UJ Dr Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka Dr hab. Ewa Bugaj, prof. UAM Dr hab. Mariusz Burdajewicz Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ciałowicz Dr Mateusz Cwaliński Prof. dr hab. Janusz Czebreszuk Dr Agata Deptuła Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Derda Dr Joanna Dębowska-Ludwin Dr Krzysztof Domżalski Dr Katarzyna Dudlik Prof. dr hab. Piotr Dyczek Dr Teresa Dziedzic Dr Dorota Dzierzbicka Dr Patrycja Filipowicz Prof. dr hab. Michał Gawlikowski Dr hab. Inga Głuszek, prof. UMK Dr Dorota Gorzelany-Nowak Dr Mariusz Gwiazda Dr Katarzyna Harabiasz Dr hab. Krzysztof Jakubiak, prof. UW Dr Piotr Jaworski Dr Szymon Jellonek Dr Mariusz Jucha Dr hab. Jacek Kabaciński, prof. PAN Dr Małgorzata Kaczanowska Dr Małgorzata Kajzer Dr hab. Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, prof. UW Dr Jacek Karmowski Dr hab. Elena Klenina, prof. UAM Prof. dr hab. Rafał Koliński Dr Piotr Kołodziejczyk Dr Paulina Komar Dr Kamil Kopij Prof. dr hab. Jacek Kościuk Dr Michał Krueger Dr hab. Agata Kubala Dr Anna Kubicka-Sowińska Dr hab. Ewa Laskowska-Kusztal, prof. IKŚiO PAN Dr Paweł Lech Dr Katarzyna de Lellis-Danys Dr Martin Lemke Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Lewartowski Dr hab. Barbara Lichocka, prof. IKŚiO PAN Dr hab. Bartłomiej Lis, prof. IAE PAN Prof. dr hab. Adam Łajtar Prof. dr hab. Adam Łukaszewicz Dr hab. Grzegorz Majcherek, prof. UW Prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Marciniak Dr Marcin Matera Dr Edyta Marzec Dr hab. Agnieszka Mączyńska Dr Łukasz Miszk Prof. dr hab. Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Młynarczyk Dr Krzysztof Narloch Dr hab. Jakub Niebieszczański Dr Kamila Nocoń Dr Francisco Núñez Dr hab. Artur Obłuski, prof. UW Dr Grzegorz Ochała Dr inż. Wojciech Ostrowski Prof. dr hab. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka Dr Agnieszka Pieńkowska Dr inż. arch. Szymon Popławski Dr Anna Rauba-Bukowska Dr hab. Monika Rekowska, prof. UW Dr hab. Teodozja Rzeuska Dr hab. Tomasz Scholl Dr Emilia Smagur Dr Łukasz Sokołowski Dr Zbigniew Szafrański Prof. dr hab. Marzena Szmyt Dr hab. Barbara Tkaczow Dr hab. Agnieszka Tomas, prof. UW Dr Anna Tomkowska Dr hab. Agata Ulanowska, prof. UW Dr Maciej Wacławik Dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski, prof. UW Dr hab. Urszula Wicenciak-Núñez Dr Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino Dr Zuzanna Wygnańska Dr Barbara Zając Dr Piotr Zakrzewski Dr Piotr Zeman Dr Katarzyna Zeman-Wiśniewska Dr Piotr Zambrzycki Dr Katarzyna Żebrowska Dr hab. Jerzy Żelazowski |
Commission on Media Studies
Chairperson | Maciej Kawka |
Deputy Chairperson | Katarzyna Bąkowicz |
Secretary | Krzysztof Sala |
The commission was established in 2017 as a manifestation of scholarly reflection on the vibrant growth of digital technologies, new methods of communicating and transmitting information, and the way the media function in society. Its work concentrates on the immanent and holistic study of the media, including theories of the media, media history, and how the media creates, processes, and transmits knowledge in the process of communication. Without overlooking the sources and roots of media studies as a discipline, it prioritises its substantive and methodological homogeneity.
See Media Studies Yearbook
See List of Papers given at Meetings of the Media Studies Commission
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Leszek Bednarczuk Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kastory |
Commission Members | ||
Dr Katarzyna Bąkowicz Dr Alan Beroud Prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Bobrowski Dr Michał Bukowski Dr Małgorzata Bulaszewska Dr hab. Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin Dr hab. Henryk Czubała Dr Katarzyna Drąg Prof. dr. Lidia Duskajewa Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Godzic Dr Olimpia Górska Dr hab. Krzysztof Gurba, prof. UKEN Dr Paweł Hamera Dr hab. Anna Hanus, prof. UR Dr hab. Agnieszka Hess, prof. UJ Dr hab. Marek Jachimowski, prof. UŚ Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Jastrzębski Dr hab. Krzysztof Kaszewski Dr hab. Inga Kawka Prof. dr hab. Maciej Kawka Dr hab. Danuta Kępa-Figura, prof. UMCS Dr hab. Robert Kłaczyński, prof. UKEN Dr hab. Marek Kochan, prof. Uniwersytetu SWPS Dr hab. Krystyna Kowalik Dr Łukasz Kozera Ks. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Misztal Dr hab. Maria Nowina-Konopka, prof. UJ Prof. dr Dimitar Pandev Dr Magdalena Pataj Dr hab. Artur Piskorz, prof. UKEN Dr Paweł Płaneta Dr hab. Wojciech Prażuch, prof. UKEN Dr Krzysztof Sala Prof. dr hab. Bogdan Szlachta Dr hab. Magdalena Ślawska, prof. UŚ Dr hab. Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia, prof. UJ Dr hab. Magdalena Trysińska, prof. UW Dr hab. Jacek Wasilewski, prof. UW Prof. dr hab. Maria Wojtak |
Commission on Biography
Chairperson | Elżbieta Orman |
Deputy Chairperson | Agata Barzycka-Paździor |
Deputy Chairperson | Mariusz Wołos |
Secretary | Krzysztof Kloc |
The Biography Commission was brought into being on 1 June 2021 by a decision of the Board of Faculty II (History and Philosophy) of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. It aims to consolidate the community of researchers working on biography and life writing understood in broad terms as a genre in the field of the history of historiography.
The editors of the Dictionary of Polish Biography and their associates are responsible for establishing the Biography Commission. The appearance of this monumental work of Polish historiography, which occurred in 1935, was thanks to PAU.
Indeed, its editorial board remains to this day in the PAU building at ul. Sławkowska 17 in Kraków, which has become something of a mecca for biography and life writing pursued as an academic discipline.
Tasks of the Biography Commission
1. To conduct open didactic and scientific meetings on life writing and biography in its broadest sense, including in the fields of historical biography, encyclopaedic and dictionary biography, genealogy, and the theory of biographical research and its place in the discipline of history. The commission is also committed to developing and improving research tools and methods, including in the area of genealogy).
2. To organise meetings of the members of the Biography Commission that serve to develop a scholarly discussion on the needs and challenges of contemporary historical biography and life writing and to promote the research potential of these disciplines in the context of contemporary historiography (e.g. micro-history, her-story, life history, oral history, psychohistory, and genealogy).
3. To organise open discussion panels (interdisciplinary) in connection with newly-published biographical work and with biographical projects that are in progress. To present complex biographical issues.
4. To discuss entries in the Dictionary of Polish Biography. To act as a forum in which shortcomings, omissions, and over-representation (e.g. in respect of Kraków or Galicia) in biographies can be expressed.
5. To organise conferences on topics such as the history of families, and biography and life writing, as sub-disciplines of history that act as a forum for discussion and an opinion-forming platform for practitioners and researchers.
6.To forge links with international centres and institutes of biography and life writing.
7. To initiate research into biography capable of laying solid foundations for full research projects.
8. To organise biography and life writing workshops that are also open to non-professionals (perhaps within the framework of a summer school).
Commission Members
PAU Members | ||
Prof. dr hab. Jan Ostrowski Prof. dr hab. Janusz Kruk Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kastory Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mączyński Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mania Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ożóg Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski |
Commission Members | ||
Dr hab. Grzegorz Bąbiak Dr Agata Barzycka-Paździor Dr hab. Agnieszka Biedrzycka, prof. IH PAN Prof. dr hab. Piotr Biliński Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Chwalba Dr hab. Danuta Ciesielska Dr Maria Czeppe Dr hab. Jarosław Czubaty, prof. UW Mgr Joanna Daranowska-Łukaszewska Dr hab. Cezary W. Domański, prof. UMCS Dr hab. Marek Gałęzowski Dr Patrycja Gąsiorowska Dr hab. Stefan Gąsiorowski, prof. UJ Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Gąsowski Dr hab. Mikołaj Getka-Kenig, prof. PAN Dr hab. Henryk Głębocki, prof. UJ Dr Karolina Grodziska Prof. dr hab. Iwona Hofman Dr Małgorzata Kamela Dr hab. Krzysztof Kloc Dr hab. Daniel Koreś Prof. dr hab. Marek Kornat Dr hab. Eryk Krasucki, prof. US Dr hab. Wojciech Krawczuk, prof. UJ Mgr Tomasz Latos Dr hab. Sławomir M. Nowinowski Dr hab. Elżbieta Orman, prof. IH PAN Piotr Piniński Dr hab. Radosław Ptaszyński, prof. US Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Romanowski Mgr Mariusz Ryńca Dr hab. Joanna Schiller-Walicka, prof. IHN PAN Dr Tomasz Siewierski Prof. dr hab. Stanisław T. Sroka Prof. dr hab. Rafał Stobiecki Mgr Ewa Szklarska Prof. dr hab. Adam Wątor Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Wichrowska Mgr Anna Wiekluk-Marianowska Dr Joanna Winiewicz-Wolska Dr Roman Włodek Prof. dr hab. Marian Wolski Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Wołos Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Zamorski Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Zdrada Prof. dr hab. Zofia Zielińska |