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Inter-Class Commissions




These commissions are inter-faculty commissions, which means that the interdisciplinary topics they address extend beyond the scientific profile of the individual faculties. They report directly to the PAU Council. They are: History of Science, Threats to Civilisation, School-Textbook Evaluation, European Affairs, Philosophy of Science, Research into the Polish Diaspora, Anthropology, Ergonomics, Culture and Media Management, and the Polish CIHEC (Commission Internationale d’Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée) Subcommission.




Commission on the History of Science


Chairperson Michał Kokowski
Deputy Chairperson Stanisław Domoradzki
Secretary Krzysztof Duda


The commission was established in 1998 on the initiative of Faculty III. Here, the physicist and PAU member Andrzej Białas played an active role. He was then director of Faculty III and, in 2000–2018, he served as PAU’s president. Its first chair and organiser - until 2006 - was the physicist and PAU member Adam Strzałkowski. He was succeeded by the mathematician and PAU member Andrzej Pelczar and then by the geologist and PAU member Witold Alexandrowicz, by the philosopher, logician, lawyer, and PAU member Jan Woleński (2014–2018), and by the physicist, historian, philosopher of science, and correspondent member of the International Academy of the History of Science Michał Kokowski.

Its task is to stimulate research into the history of the various scientific disciplines carried out by their exponents rather than by historians, who lack the knowledge required to grasp the substantive issues involved in specialised fields.

The commission found itself on fertile ground, as there had already been considerable interest within PAU in the history of the organisation of science (see, e.g. Julian Dybiec, PAU 1872–1952 (1993); Piotr Hübner, Siła przeciw rozumowi (1994) [Force against Reason: PAU in 1939-1989]; Danuta Rederowa, Z dziejów Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego [Episodes in the History of the Kraków Learned Society]; Jan Piskurewicz, Prima interpares. Polska Akademia Umiejętności w latach II Rzeczypospolitej (1998) [PAU in the years of the Second Polish Republic], and in profiles of scholars: a number of symposia and exhibitions devoted to scholars and the first two volumes of the In the Service of Learning series (1998); 29 volumes have so far been published in this series).

The commission is very active, organising monthly meetings with papers and discussions, in addition to scientific sessions. Its findings are reported in the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum (formerly Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU [Proceedings of the PAU History of Science Commission]) and in the following series:

Go to the webpage of „Studia Historiae Scientiarum”

See also the archive webpage of this journal.

 The purpose of the commission is:

  • to initiate and stimulate research into the history of individual scientific disciplines by both their representatives and historians of science using source material collected in specialist scientific archives, including Archiwum the PAU and PAN Scientific Archive in Kraków;
  • to research and promote outstanding achievements of Polish science and of the science of the countries of central and eastern Europe;
  • to promote the idea of international dialogue based on the history of science (continuing the tradition begun by Samuel Dickstein (1851–1939), Ludwik Birkenmajer (1855–1929), and Władysław Natanson (1864–1937), who were the AU (Academy of Arts and Sciences) or PAU (Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences) members that had already seized upon the idea of forming an inter-faculty history of science commission at the end of the nineteenth century); to analyse the methodological questions involved in the historiography of science;
  • to promote the idea of the reliable citation of publications (not discriminating against any authors) and the modernisation of journals of the history of science and associated disciplines (using DOI, ORCID, open access free mode, social media and repositories; indexation of journals, including in International DOI Foundation, Crossref, Scopus, Web of Science, Directory of Open Access Journals, SherpaROmeo).

The commission refers here to the activities of previous AU and PAU commissions (see R. Makowski 2003; A. Strzałkowski et al. 2003; M. Kokowski 2019), such as:

  • The AU/PAU Commission for the History of Literature and Education in Poland (established in May 1875 as the philology and literature section of the Bibliographical Commission of the AU’s Philology Faculty (1872–1887); it became independent in November 1875).
  • The AU Commission for the Publication (with commentaries) of the Work of Copernicus and of a Biography of Copernicus (XIX/XX);
  • The Bibliographic Commission of the AU’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1900–1904; a section of the AU’s Bibliographic Commission);
  • The AU’s Commission of History and Commission of the Bibliography of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1904–1909; a section of the AU’s Bibliographic Commission);
  • The AU’s Commission of the Bibliography of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1909–1918);
  • The AU and PAU History of Mathematical and Natural Sciences Commission (1909–1932);
  • The PAU History of Medicine and of Mathematical and Natural Sciences Commission (1932–1952);
  • The PAU Commission for Classics in the Natural Sciences and Medicine (1946–1952).

The commission organises a monthly meeting for discussions and delivering papers (see PAU Events Archive; see PAU Events Archive; PAU Scientific Exchange Platform – History of Science Commission PAU (KHN PAU), (a list of papers is published in the commission’s annual report – see below). The commission furthermore organises or co-organises regular scientific conferences (see List of events ).

The commission’s findings are reported in the following series:

  • Komisja Historii Nauki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności. Monografie [PAU History of Science Commission: Monographs], Volumes 1 ( 2000) – 23 (2016),
  • Studia i Materiały do dziejów Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności [Studies and Materials for the History of PAU], Volumes  I (2002) – VI (2010),


in the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum from volume 15 (2016);

  • earlier names: Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU [Proceedings of the PAU History of Science Commission], volumes 9 (2009) – 14 (2015); Prace Komisji Historii Nauki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności [Proceedings of the History of Science Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences], volumes 1 (1999) – 8 (2007);
  • this journal existed previously as Prace Komisji Historii Medycyny i Nauk Przyrodniczo-Matematycznych [Proceedings of the History of Medicine and Natural and Mathematical Sciences Commission]: volume 1 (1939); volume 2, fascicles 3.1 and 3.2 (1949); fascicle 3.3 (1950); fascicles 4.1 and 4.2 (1952); fascicle 3.4 (1953; published after the suspension of PAU in 1952).

The journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum is indexed in International DOI Foundation, Crossref, Scopus, DOAJ, ERIH+, ICI Master List, MIAR: Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals and EBSCO.
It is distributed in diamond open access mode, i.e. free access without a time embargo for both readers and authors.

The articles published in it, including the commission’s annual report, appear in Polish and English (see Author Index; Thematic Index).

Please note: these indexes contain articles published in the following journals:

  • Studia Historiae Scientiarum, which appears beginning from volume 15 (2016);
  • Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU [Proceedings of the PAU History of Science Commission], volumes 9 (2009) – 14 (2015);
  • Prace Komisji Historii Nauki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności [Proceedings of the PAU History of Science Commission of the Polish Academy of Science], volumes 1 (1999) – 8 (2007);
  • Prace Komisji Historii Medycyny i Nauk Przyrodniczo-Matematycznych. Polska Akademia Umiejętności [Proceedings of the PAU History of Medicine and Natural and Mathematical Sciences Commission], volume 1 (1939); volume 2, fascicles 3.1 and 3.2 (1949); fascicle 3.3 (1950); fascicles 4.1 and 4.2 (1952); fascicle 3.4 (1953).

Michał Kokowski is the journal’s editor-in-chief.

Go to the webpages of the journal „Studia Historiae Scientiarum” (free access to all volumes from 2015), see also the archive page of the journal (free access to all volumes from 1999).

 The commission works together with national institutions, institutions from abroad, and international institutions:


Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Wincenty Kilarski
Prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Korohoda
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mączyński
Prof. dr hab. Roman Murawski
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Waltoś
Prof. dr hab. Jan Woleński
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski
    Commission Members
    Dr hab. Gabriela Besler, prof. UŚ
Dr Barbara Bienias
Prof. dr hab. Anna Brożek
Dr Paweł Brzegowy
Dr Friedrich Cain
Dr hab. Danuta Ciesielska, prof. PAN
Dr Krzysztof Ciesielski, prof. UJ
Ks. dr hab. Stanisław Cieślak SJ, prof. Ign.
Dr hab. Mariusz Chrostek, prof. UR
Dr Henryk Ditchen
Dr hab. Cezary Domański, prof. UMCS
Dr hab. Stanisław Domoradzki, prof. URz
Dr Krzysztof Duda
Prof. dr Roman Duda
Prof. dr Julian Dybiec
Prof. dr hab. Ryszard W. Gryglewski
Dr Mateusz Hübner
Dr Paweł Jarnicki
Dr Maciej Jasiński
Prof. dr hab. Michał Kokowski
Dr hab. Sylwia Konarska-Zimnicka, prof. UJK
Dr Adam Korczyński
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Köhler
Dr Marcin Krasnodębski
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kreiner
Dr hab. inż. Piotr Krzywiec, prof. PAN
Prof. dr hab. Halina Lichocka
Dr hab. Sławomir Łotysz, prof. PAN
Prof. dr hab. Anita Magowska
Dr Rita Majkowska
Prof. dr hab. Edward Malec
Dr Jan Mietelski
Dr hab. Wioletta A. Miśkiewicz
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Opacki
Mgr Maria Pawłowska
Dr inż. Krzysztof Petelczyc
Prof. dr hab. Bożena Płonka-Syroka
Dr hab. Paweł Polak, prof. UJPII
Dr hab. Tomasz Pospieszny, prof. UAM
Dr hab. Tomasz Pudłocki, prof. UJ
Dr Alicja Rafalska-Łasocha
Prof. dr hab. Adam Redzik
Dr hab. Marek Rembierz, prof. UŚ
Dr hab. Jacek Rodzeń, prof. UJK
Prof. dr hab. Zenon Roskal
Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Srogosz
Dr hab. Maria Stinia, prof. UJ
Dr Jan Surman
Prof. dr hab. Karolina Targosz
Prof. dr hab. Radosław Tarkowski
Dr Małgorzata Ewa Terepeta, prof. PŁ
Dr hab. Zbigniew Tucholski, prof. PAN
Prof. dr hab. Izabela Wagner
Dr Michał Wagner
Dr hab. Jan Wnęk, prof. KA
Dr Krystyna Wołkowicz
Dr hab. Stanisław Wołkowicz, prof. PIG-PIB
Dr hab. Andrzej J. Wójcik, prof. PAN
Dr hab. Wiesław Wójcik, prof. UJD
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Wójcik
Dr hab. Ewa Wyka, prof. PAN
Prof. dr hab. Leszek Zasztowt
Dr hab. Maciej Zdanek, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Alicja Zemanek
Dr hab. Przemysław Żukowski, prof. UJ



Commission on European Matters


Chairperson Zdzisław Mach
Deputy Chairperson Michał Turała
Dorota Praszałowicz
Jacek Kołodziej


The commission was established in 2003. Its first chair was prof. dr hab. Andrzej Pelczar (2003-2006). From 2006–2021, the commission was chaired by prof. dr. hab. Michał Turała and, since December 2021, it has been chaired by prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Mach. Its initial aim was to hold discussions and form opinions on issues related to Poland’s planned integration into the European Union.
Now it is engaged in a debate on the mechanisms whereby the European Union functions and the effects they have and on the phenomena that are and are not conducive to processes of integration. The debate is conducted in the broad context of an analysis of the global socio-political and economic situation and the interests of the EU’s member states. The commission focusses particularly on changes observed in the realms of culture, national heritage, national identity, and science in its broadest sense (in its purely cognitive and applied dimensions and taking account of the question of innovation). These discussions are held with the participation of invited national and international specialists representing the scientific, political, and social communities.
In recent years, 76 working sessions of the commission at which papers were delivered have taken place. The majority of the papers have been published in its seven volumes of proceedings.
In conjunction with the Jagiellonian University, the commission has held scientific Conferences to commemorate the five-year, ten-year, and fifteen-year anniversaries of Poland’s accession to the European Union.



Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr Jan Barcz
Prof. dr Stanisław Biernat
Prof. dr Bolesław Ginter
Prof. dr Andrzej Kastory
Prof. dr Roman Kuźniar
Prof. dr Andrzej Mania
Prof. dr Andrzej Mączyński
Prof. dr Maria Nowakowska
Prof. dr Jacek Purchla
Prof. dr Piotr Sztompka
Prof. dr Michał Turała
Prof. dr Andrzej Zol
    Commission Members
    Prof. dr Roman Hołyński
Dr hab. Agnieszka Kastory, prof. UJ
Prof. dr Jacek Kołodziej
Prof. dr Zdzisław Mach
Prof. dr Jerzy Niewodniczański
Red. Marian Nowy
Prof. dr Dorota Praszałowicz
Prof. dr Michael Waligórski
Prof. dr Jerzy Zdrada



Commission on Threats to Civilization


Chairperson Michał Praszałowicz
Deputy Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson
Joanna Kurczewska
Janusz Szmyd
Stanisław Nagy
Dariusz Wojakowski


The commission was established in 1998 on the initiative of Faculty III; its founder and first chair was prof. Andrzej Hrynkiewicz. It is an interdisciplinary commission whose members are drawn from various PAU faculties – from History and Philosophy to Creative Arts. Indeed, threats to the harmonious development of humanity should be a subject of interest and research not only for representatives of the exact sciences and technology, biology, and medicine, but also for historians, philosophers, lawyers, and even for writers and artists from other cultural fields. People associate hazards with the misuse of research results and the development of environmentally hostile technologies and industrial processes.
Yet the future of humanity is also jeopardised by climate change, population growth, and the emergence of new diseases. The ideologies that give rise to fundamentalism, lies, and hatred, which are the main causes of terrorism and wars, are hazards too. It should not be forgotten when stating this that in the twentieth century humanity achieved the capacity for self-annihilation. Ethical evaluations do not apply to the findings of scientific research.
Instead, truth is the criterion by which their value is measured.
The evil lies within us and it is this that results in the use of research results to the detriment of humanity.The proliferation of pseudo-science, which amounts to a denial of rationalism and is replacing many people’s lost faith in the value of scientific progress, is leading us up a blind alley. It is necessary to persuade the public that only further development of science can prevent the effects of emerging threats.Scientific truth and love of one's neighbour are fundamental if humanity is to develop harmoniously and survive.
The commission considers emerging risks and provides reliable information on their causes and how they can be prevented.
In addition to its own regular meetings, the commission has organised public lectures for a broad audience and sought to reach the public through the mass media of press, radio, and television.
The commission has published seven volumes of "Proceedings".




Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk
Prof. Włodzimierz Korohoda
Prof. Joanna Kurczewska
Prof. Michał Praszałowicz
Prof. Jacek Purchla
Prof. Władysław Stróżewski
Prof. Piotr Sztompka
Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
Prof. January Weiner
Prof. Andrzej Zoll
    Commission Members
    Prof. Hanna Bojar
Dr hab. Grzegorz Brus
Dr Dariusz Brzeziński
Prof. Witold Cecot
Dr hab. inż. Józef Chowaniec
Dr Karolina Cynk
Dr hab. Franciszek Czech
Dr Kamil Filipek
Dr Marcin Galent
Prof. Andrzej Gołaś
Prof. Andrzej Gonet
Prof. Wiesław Gumuła
Prof. Urszula Jarecka
Prof. Agnieszka Kolasa-Nowak
Prof. Jacek Kurczewski
Prof. Stanisław Nagy
Prof. Jerzy Niewodniczański
Red. Marian Nowy
Prof. Janusz Orkisz
Prof. Tadeusz Patzek
Prof. Andrzej Paulo
Prof. Czesław Porębski
Prof. Janusz Szmyd
Dr Marcin Ślarzyński
Prof. Antoni Tajduś
Dr Anna Turner
Prof. Dariusz Wojakowski

Commission on the Philosophy of Sciences


Chairperson Paweł Polak
Deputy Chairperson ks. Wojciech Grygiel
Roman Krzanowski
Jacek Rodzeń


The commission was brought into existence by a resolution of the PAU Council of 26 June 2012 and as a result of the union of two previously existing commissions: Philosophy of the Natural Sciences and Fides et Ratio. The first, which was formed in 2005 on the initiative of prof. Jerzy Janik, was the professor’s original idea based on his experiences of interdisciplinary meetings dating back to his encounters with Cardinal Karol Wojtyła.
Its purpose was to engage in scientific reflection on the borderline between philosophy and the sciences addressed by Faculties III, IV, and V of PAU; it published five volumes of proceedings. The aim of the second, which was established in 2007 by Rev. prof. Michal Heller and a group of other PAU members, was to reflect in a scientific fashion on the thought of Jan Paweł II, including by examining the broad intellectual context of this thought in the contemporary world.
Fides et Ratio issued two books of proceedings. As the successor of the two previous commissions, PAU Philosophy of Science combines the programmes of both.
The reflection the commission cultivates continues and develops a long tradition of thought on the philosophy of the natural sciences in Kraków that reaches back into the nineteenth century. This style of thinking, which distinguishes the commission and is situated in an interdisciplinary context at the intersection of the exact sciences, philosophy and theology, enables scholars working in different fields of knowledge to meet and hold fruitful discussions on the fundamental philosophical issues shaping science in the past and present.
Its research interests include formal sciences such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, the cognitive sciences, as well as the humanities and the arts. The Philosophy of Science Commission is committed to a programme of 'philosophy in science', which considers the influence of philosophical ideas on the formation of scientific theories, traces the traditional philosophical problems involved with these theories, and reflects philosophically on the assumptions of the empirical sciences.
This approach reveals science’s continuity with the philosophical heritage of European thought, whose origins lie in ancient Greek philosophy, in a particular way. Its reflections on science and its role in culture direct the commission’s attention to theological issues and, in particular, to the dialogue between science and theology and the related methodological and historical issues.
At the commission’s monthly meetings, selected topics are presented by eminent scientists, philosophers, and theologians. The Krakow Methodological Conferences, a series of philosophical conferences with a well-established national and international reputation, are organised annually in conjunction with the commission. It also organises occasional conferences, including on the anniversaries of various events and of the works of outstanding Polish and foreign scientists.
The Philosophy of Science commission publishes the work of members and invited guests in the pages of the journal Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce [Philosophical Problems in Science], which is indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases and elsewhere. This work fills either entire issues of the journal (no. 57, no. 58, no. 59, no. 62) or appears in the relevant section of Z prac komisji Filozofii Nauk PAU [Proceedings of the PAU Philosophy of Science Commission].
The work of the commission is available online with open access on the journal’s webpage:



Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Bogdan Dembiński
Prof. dr hab. Juliusz Domański
Ks. prof. dr hab. Michał Heller
Prof. dr hab. Wincenty Kilarski
Prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Korohoda
Prof. dr hab. Jan Kozłowski
Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Puzynina
Prof. dr hab. Stefan Sawicki
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Staruszkiewicz
Prof. dr hab. Władysław Stróżewski
Prof. dr hab. Karol Tarnowski
Prof. dr hab. Jan Woleński
Prof. dr hab. Kacper Zalewski
    Commission Members
    Prof. dr hab. Henryk Arodź
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bielecki
Dr hab. Piotr Błaszczyk, prof. UKEN
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Dajka
Dr hab. Michał Eckstein
Dr hab. Marcin Gorazda
Ks. dr hab. Wojciech Grygiel, prof. UPJPII
Dr hab. Mateusz Hohol, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Michał Kokowski
Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Koleżyński
Dr hab. Jerzy Król, prof. WSIiZ
Dr Roman Krzanowski
Dr hab. Tomasz Kwarciński, prof. UEK
Ks. dr hab. Zbigniew Liana
Prof. dr hab. Maria Massalska-Arodź
Dr Jan Mietelski
Dr Tomasz Miller
O. dr Łukasz Mścisławski
S. prof. dr hab. Tereza Obolevich
Ks. dr hab. Adam Olszewski, prof. UPJPII
Dr Barbara Petelenz
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Petelenz
Dr hab. Paweł Polak, prof. UPJPII
Dr Sylwia Psica
Dr hab. Marek Rembierz, prof. UŚ
Dr hab. Jacek Rodzeń, prof. UJK
Dr Anna Sarosiek
Dr hab. Tadeusz Sierotowicz
Dr hab. Ryszard Stocki
Dr Mariusz Stopa
Dr hab. Sebastian Szybka, prof. UJ
Dr Kamil Trombik
Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Wasiutyński
Ks. prof. dr hab. Damian Wąsek
Ks. dr hab. Zbigniew Wolak, prof. UPJPII
Ks. prof. dr hab. Robert Woźniak
Dr hab. Wiesław Wójcik, prof. UJD
Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Zając
Dr Piotr Urbańczyk
Prof. dr hab. Zofia Zarębianka
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Zieliński
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Żenczykowski



Commission on the Evaluation of Textbooks


Chairperson Barbara Płytycz
Deputy Chairperson Karol Sanojca
Secretary Jerzy Szczepański


Concerned about the quality of school textbooks, the PAU Board decided at the end of 2000 to form a commission made up of specialists in the various subjects taught in schools, especially secondary schools, to give a completely independent opinion of the approximately fifty textbooks that enter school use every year. It was thought that the commission’s work would be of great public benefit. Indeed, the existence of a body with oversight of textbooks should in itself make authors and publishers more sensitive to the quality of textbooks introduced into schools. The predictions proved accurate. The commission’s activities and the proceedings issued by it stimulated a great deal of interest.
As directed by the commission, certificates of distinction are presented at the PAU General Meeting in June to the authors and publishers of the best textbooks.

Go to the Internet page of the journal:  "Educational Opinions of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings of the PAU School-Textbook Evaluation Commission".



Commission Members


Honorary Member:  Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kastory


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Białas
Prof. dr hab. Jan Kozłowski
Prof. dr hab. Barbara Płytycz
Prof. dr hab. January Weiner
    Commission Members
    Prof. dr hab. Michał Baczkowski
Dr hab. Marek Białokur, prof. UO
Dr hab. Krzysztof Biedrzycki, prof. UJ
Dr Grzegorz Chomicki
Dr hab. Danuta Ciesielska, prof. PAN
Dr Robert Czuchnowski, prof. UJ
Mgr Wiktor Darasz
Dr Karol Dudek-Różycki
Dr hab. Andrzej Essen, prof. UKEN
Dr hab. Beata Gola, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Paweł Grzmil, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Sebastian Hofman, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Anna Janus-Sitarz
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Karolczak
Dr Rafał Kobylec
Dr Anna Kolasa
Dr Bartosz Kołoczek
Dr hab. Krystyna Kowalik
Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Kowalikowa
Dr hab. Danuta Krzyżyk, prof. UŚ
Dr Jerzy Kuczyński
Dr hab. Anna Michalik
Dr hab. inż. Mateusz Muchacki, prof. UKEN
Dr hab. Joanna Mysona-Byrska, prof. UPJPII
Dr Ewa Odrowąż
Dr hab. Ewa Ogłoza
Dr hab. Małgorzata Pawlak, prof. UWr
Dr hab. Marcin Pawlak, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Anna Pecio, prof. UJ
Dr Małgorzata Pietrzak, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Tomasz Rachwał, prof. UEK
Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Rott
Dr hab. Karol Sanojca, prof. UWr
Dr hab. Aneta Słomka, prof. UJ
Dr inż. Grzegorz Sokal
Dr Dagmara Sokołowska
Dr hab. Sławomir Sprawski, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Maria Stinia, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Helena Synowiec
Dr Jerzy Szczepański, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Elżbieta Szkurłat, prof. UŁ
Dr hab. Elżbieta Szostak
Dr Zbigniew Tabarowski, prof. UJ
Dr Irena Trzcieniecka-Schneider



Commission for the Studies on the Polish Diaspora


Chairperson Adam  Walaszek
Deputy Chairperson Anna Mazurkiewicz
Secretary Janusz Pezda


The commission was established in December 2007, on the initiative of a group of researchers – largely from the former Institute of Polish Diaspora Studies at the Jagiellonian University – studying various centres and communities of Polish émigrés and emigration. The majority of them became members of the commission too.
Given that the staff of the former Jagiellonian University Institute for Polish Diaspora Studies are now in a number of different universities and university departments, the commission offers a means of integrating their research. At the same time, the commission works with the Kraków branch of the Współnota Polska [Poland United] association, thereby responding to the needs of emigrant communities seeking intellectual support from PAU.




Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Gromada
Prof. dr hab. Jan Marcin Kula
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Pilc
Prof. dr hab. Aleksander Posern-Zieliński
Prof. dr hab. Gwidon Szefer
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Piotr Zaleski
    Commission Members
    Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Babiński
Dr Andrzej Biernat
Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Caban
Dr hab. Hubert Chudzio, prof. UKEN
Dr Piotr Derengowski
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Dopierała
Prof. dr hab. Halina Florkowska-Frančić
Prof. dr hab. Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska
Prof. Dr hab. Rafał Habielski
Prof. dr hab. Norbert Kasparek
Dr hab. Marta Kijewska-Trembecka, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Jan Lencznarowicz, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Ligęza
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Marchlewicz
Dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG
Dr hab. Ewa Michna, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Mitzner
Dr Aneta Nisiobęcka
Red. Marian Nowy
Ks. Prof. dr hab. Maciej Ostrowski
Prof. dr hab. Artur Patek
Dr Michalina Petelska
Dr hab. Janusz Pezda, prof. UJ
Dr Danuta Płygawko
Prof. dr hab. Dorota Praszałowicz
Prof. dr hab. Anna Reczyńska
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz
Dr Paweł Sękowski
Prof. dr hab. Anna Siwik
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Slany
Prof. dr hab. Maria Szmeja
Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Śladkowski
Prof. dr hab. Adam Walaszek
Dr Paweł Wierzbicki
Prof. dr hab. Joanna Wojdon
Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Wołos
Kust. Maria Wrede
Dr hab. Józef Wróbel
Dr hab. Jerzy Zdrada
Dr hab. Andrzej Zięba, prof. UJ
Prof. dr hab. Henryk Żaliński



Commission on Anthropology


Chairperson Krzysztof Szostek
Deputy Chairperson Henryk Głąb
Secretary Marcin S. Przybyła


The Anthropology Commission constitutes one of the oldest groupings of scholars at PAU. It was formed in 1873 – in the same year as the Academy of Arts and Sciences (AU) – as the Anthropological Commission of the AU. It was intended in its origins to synthesise the totality of research into humans and to provide a forum for discussing the findings of the precursors of folklore studies, for scholars interested in the biological variation of human populations, and for prehistorians oriented towards collaboration with naturalists. In this way, the founders of PAU Anthropology sought to involve the Kraków scientific community in the debate on evolutionism that divided European society in the second half of the nineteenth century. The lasting results of the commission’s activities during this period include its enormous publishing legacy (especially the journal Zbiór Wiadomosci do Anthropologii Krajowej [National Anthropology Bulletin], which was published from 1877 and later became Materiały Antropologiczno-Archeologiczne i Etnograficzne [Anthropological, Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials]), the creation of important museum collections (the prehistoric collections, which are central to the Kraków Archaeological Museum, and the rich osteological collections now gathered at the Natural Education Centre of the Jagiellonian University) and, above all, the creation of an environment in which a nucleus of specialists building academic physical anthropology, ethnography, and archaeology – in Kraków and beyond – was able to develop.
When all of the PAU agencies were taken over by PAN in 1952, PAU Anthropology was brought into the PAN structure and began operating there. On the initiative of a group of anthropologists, including prof. Krzysztof Kaczanowski of the Jagiellonian University, and in agreement with the Kraków Branch of PAN, the commission requested that it be transferred to PAU. By a resolution passed in 2010, the PAU Council established an anthropology commission within its structure.
It began operating on 16 March 2012. The primary aim of the revived commission is to integrate scientific communities dealing with man in the biocultural dimension. including biological and cultural anthropologists, archaeologists, ethnologists, and specialists in psychology, medicine, and physical education.
Its core activities involve organising symposia, lectures, talks, and conferences, as well as interdisciplinary panel discussions, during which members and guests share their research results, which are derived from a variety of disciplines, and so provide a holistic view of the uniqueness of our species.



Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Janusz Kruk
    Commission Members
    Prof. dr hab. Paweł Bergman
Dr hab. prof. nadzw. Marcin Brocki
Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Charzewska
Prof. dr hab. Joachim Cieślik
Dr hab. Henryk Głąb
Dr hab. Elżbieta Haduch
Prof. dr hab. Rimantas Jankauskas
Prof. dr hab. Maria Kaczmarek
Dr hab. prof. nadzw. Danuta Kornafel
Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Kozieł
Prof. dr hab. Guido Kriesel
Dr hab. prof. nadzw. Danuta Penkala-Gawęcka
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Piontek
Dr hab. Marcin S. Przybyła, prof. UJ
Prof. Jiri Svoboda
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szostek
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Tomczyk
Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Żarów
Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Żądzińska



Commission on Ergonomics


Chairperson Karolina Trzyniec
Deputy Chairperson Marcin Butlewski
Deputy Chairperson Anna Taczalska-Ryniak
Secretary Grzegorz Szewczyk


PAU Ergonomics was established in December 2013 and constituted in February 2014 as an interdisciplinary, inter-faculty commission of PAU. Having a nationwide scope, it brings together scholars from throughout Poland and from virtually all fields and disciplines – as befits the applied and multi-faceted science that is ergonomics. It continues the tradition and scientific output of the PAN Ergonomics Committee, which was active in 1974–2012.
It functions as part of a union of other ergonomic organisations in Kraków (i.e. the local branch of the Polish Ergonomic Society and the Ergonomic Commission of the local branch of PAN) and organises joint meetings with them. The commission has established annual traditions of holding symposia and issuing a scientific publication in book form. They are devoted to topical ergonomic issues arising from the context and needs of the knowledge economy, as well as from the changes associated with technological progress and the global economy. The idea behind its work is to increase public understanding of ergonomics and its relevance to a modern, people-centred economy that pursues human physical, mental, and social well-being.




Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
    Commission Members
    Dr hab. inż. Florian Władysław Adamczyk
Dr Bernard Bińczycki
Dr hab. inż. Marcin Butlewski
Dr hab. inż. Iwona Grabarek, prof. PW
Dr hab. inż. Witold Grzywiński
Prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Juliszewski
Dr hab. inż. Joanna Kałkowska
Dr hab. inż. Paweł Kiełbasa
Dr sztuki Janusz Konaszewski, em. prof. WSSiP
Prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Lewandowski
Dr hab. inż. Beata Mrugalska
Dr hab. inż. Wiesława Nowacka
Dr sztuki Patrycja Ochman-Tarka
Prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Pacholski
Dr inż. arch. Natalia Ratajczak-Szponik
Prof. dr hab. inż. Danuta Roman-Liu
Dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Sławińska
Dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Stańczykiewicz
Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Sowa
Prof. dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Szewczyk
Dr hab. inż. Piotr Szymczyk
Dr inż. arch., mgr sztuki Anna Taczalska-Ryniak
Dr inż. Karolina Trzyniec
Dr hab. inż. Paweł Tylek
Prof. dr hab. inż. Edwin Tytyk
Dr hab. inż. arch. Matylda Wdowiarz-Bilska
Dr inż. arch. Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel
Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Maciej Złowodzki



Commission on Culture and Media Management


Chairperson Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska
Deputy Chairperson Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz
Secretary Anna Góral


The commission was established on November 19, 2013 on the initiative of the Institute of Culture of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University with the support of PAU member prof. dr hab. Lucjan Suchanek.
From the first term onwards, prof. dr hab. Emil Orzechowski has performed the function of its chair.  The purpose of this inter-faculty commission is to exchange ideas and stimulate research on management in the cultural sector in the broadest sense, to search for new methods and research tools for the cultural sector, and to use knowledge from a variety of scientific disciplines in doing so.
As an interdisciplinary field of study concerned with the interplay and relationship between culture and the economy, including tourism and cultural tourism, cultural management incorporates elements of the social sciences and the humanities, including economics, law, sociology, business studies, cultural studies, press studies, journalism, social communication, marketing, international relations, and, importantly, the organisation of cultural activities (in both historical and contemporary contexts). Cultural management, including media management, involves the study of all of the methods (forms, models) of organisation that have appeared in societies in different historical periods. It is also about the study and analysis of the tools used to effect change and to solve problems in the way that will have the greatest impact on development and on efficient action in society and in the market.
Due to the non-market nature of many cultural fields, the methods and tools of cultural management aim to generate a profit expressed not so much in financial terms, but in terms of humanistic values that promote human well-being and build civil society. The strand of thought represented by humanist management lends these values a broader dimension, which goes far beyond the sphere of culture, but which is, as it were, evoked by cultural management.
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Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Lucjan Suchanek
    Commission Members
    Dr hab. Marzena Barańska, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Roman Batko
Dr hab. Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Agnieszka Cieślikowa, prof. IH PAN
Dr hab. Paweł Frącz, prof. PO
Dr hab. Kinga Gajda
Dr hab. Łukasz Gaweł, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Bożena Gierat-Bieroń
Dr hab. Beata Glinka, prof. UW
Dr Anna Góral
Dr hab. Alicja Kędziora, prof. UJ
Dr Jarosław Klaś
Dr hab. Jerzy Kociatkiewicz
Dr hab. Ewa Kocój, prof. UJ
Dr Agnieszka Konior
Dr Katarzyna Kopeć
Prof. dr hab. Monika Kostera
Dr hab. Jan Kreft
Dr Marcin Laberschek
Dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Leja, prof. PG
Dr hab. Regina Lenart-Gansiniec, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Rafał Maciąg
Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Magala
Dr Marta Materska-Samek
Dr hab. Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz
Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Nierenberg
Prof. dr hab. Emil Orzechowski
Dr Michał Pałasz
Dr Katarzyna Plebańczyk
Dr Anna Pluszyńska
Dr Weronika Pokojska
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek
Dr Małgorzata Sternal
Prof. dr hab. Łukasz Sułkowski
Dr Agnieszka Szostak
Dr Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz
Dr hab. Jan Wojciechowski
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński
Dr Sylwia Wrona



Polish CIHEC Subcommission

Commission Internationale d’Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée


Chairperson Krzysztof Ożóg
Deputy Chairperson Paweł Kras
Secretary o. Tomasz Gałuszka OP


The group was active in 1970–2011 at the PAN Committee of Historical Sciences within the International Committee of Historical Sciences. When PAN was reorganised, the group no longer had a secure position in that organisation’s structure.
By a PAU Council resolution of 20 November 2012, the group was established as a part of PAU under the temporary leadership of Jerzy Kłoczowski, who had been the group’s chair when it was a part of PAN.