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Commission on the Culture of the Slavs


Chairperson Hanna Kowalska-Stus
Deputy Chairperson Bogusław Dopart
Secretary Urszula Cierniak


The nature of this commission, which was founded in 2000, is to some degree interdisciplinary because some of its areas of activity overlap with those of Faculty II. This means that, in addition to linguists studying Slavic languages, it has also contained archaeologists, historians, and ethnographers. The proceedings of the commission have appeared under the editorship of Lucjan Suchanek since 2001. Volume I: Rosyjskie bajki ludowe ze zbioru Aleksandra Afanasjewa [Russian Folk Tales from the Collection of Aleksander Afanasjew], is a selection of annotated fairy tales, while the volumes that followed it have been monothematic works written by multiple authors, See the webpage of the journal "Kultura Słowian. Rocznik Komisji Kultury Słowian PAU" [The Culture of the Slavs: Yearbook of the PAU Slavonic Culture Commission] at:



Commission Members


    PAU Members
    Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Dopart
Prof. dr hab. Lucjan Suchanek
Prof. dr hab. Hanna Kowalska-Stus
    Commission Members
    Dr hab. Małgorzata Abassy
Prof. dr hab. Adam Bezwiński
Dr Bartłomiej Brążkiewicz
Dr hab. Urszula Cierniak, prof. UJD
Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Duda
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kapuścik
Dr hab. Anna Kościołek, prof. UMK
Dr Martyna Kowalska
Dr Agata Krzywdzińska
Dr Aleksandra Kudymowicz
Dr hab. Józef Kuffel
Dr Marta Lechowska
Dr hab. Marta Łukaszewicz
Prof. dr hab. Marek Melnyk
Dr hab. Krystyna Pietrzycka-Bohosiewicz
Ks. dr hab. Aleksander Posacki SJ
Prof. dr hab. Anna Raźny
Dr Katarzyna Syska
Prof. dr hab. Anna Woźniak
Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Ziołowicz