T. 19
KRAKÓW 2021 |
Recenzenci tomu:
- Marcin Fabiański
- Józef Grabski
- Ryszard Kasperowicz
- Magdalena Kunińska
- Brigitte Kurmann-Schwarz
- Pietro Marani
- Sergiusz Michalski
- Aleksandra Sulikowska-Bełczowska
- Joanna Tomalska
- Marek Walczak
W tomie 19
Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Nadia Wywiórska
Ikony z dawnej cerkwi pw. św. Demetriusza Męczennika w Czarnej koło Uścia Gorlickiego [ pdf ]
Icons from the former Greek Orthodox Church of St Demetrios the Martyr at Czarna by Uście Gorlickie
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Albert Boesten-Stengel
Ein Bildnis der Claude de France? Antike und Heraldik in Leonardos Dame mit Hermelin [ pdf ]
A Portrait of Claude de France? Antiquity and Heraldry in Leonardo’s Lady with an Ermine
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Altti Kuusamo
Aby Warburg’s Missing Ladies: The Exclusion of Mid-16th Century Nymphs [ pdf ]
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Elizabeth Carson Pastan
A Window on Panofsky’s Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism [ pdf ]
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Nuria Jetter
Unknown Premises of Iconology? A Critical Review of Panofsky’s Proposal for a Solution to the Problem of Historicity [ pdf ]
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Michael Ann Holly
Iconology’s Shadow [ pdf ]
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Magdalena Kunińska
Trójgłos o Imperium: Matthew Rampley, Nora Veszprémi, Markhian Prokopovych, The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary. Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century. Penn. State Univ. Press: University Park 2020, 300 ss. [ pdf ]
Kamila Twardowska
Nicht Nur Bauhaus – Netzwerke Der Moderne in Mitteleuropa / Not Just Bauhaus – Networks of Modernity in Central Europe, red. Beate Störtkuhl. Rafał Makała, De Gruyter Oldenbourg: Berlin–Boston 2020, 400 ss. [ pdf ]
Dobrosława Horzela
Piotr Skubiszewski, Studies in Medieval Iconography. Collected Essays 1962–2011, red. Józef Grabski. IRSA: Cracow 2021, 768 ss.
Trójgłos o Imperium: Matthew Rampley, Nora Veszprémi, Markhian Prokopovych, The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary. Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century. Penn. State Univ. Press: University Park 2020, 300 ss. [ pdf ]
Szymon Tracz
Kazimierz Kuczman (1947–2021) [ pdf ]
Kronika Komisji Historii Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności za rok 2020 [ pdf ]