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Nagroda Jerzmanowskich 2024 dla doktor Hanny Machińskiej

Nagrodę PAU im. Erazma i Anny Jerzmanowskich za rok 2024 otrzymała pani doktor Hanna Machińska, prawniczka i działaczka społeczna zaangażowana w walkę z dyskryminacją, ksenofobią i nietolerancją, autorka wielu publikacji z zakresu ochrony praw człowieka.


Partnerami wydarzenia są
Województwo Małopolskie i Miasto Kraków.



Zapraszamy na posiedzenie naukowe:



Strona konferencji z okazji Jubileuszu 150-lecia Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności (2022 r.)

International cooperation

International cooperation



Lanckoroński Photothèque

Lanckoroński Photothèque

Lanckoroński Foundation Scholarships

Lanckoroński Foundation Scholarships

Research projects

Research projects

Kraków Scientific Conferences

Kraków Scientific Conferences

Dictionary of Polish Biography

Dictionary of Polish Biography


Herbaciarnia Naukowa

Prizes and awards

Prizes and awards


Erazm and Anna Jerzmanowski Prize

Nicolaus Copernicus Prize

Professor Marian Mięsowicz Prize

Professor Tadeusz Browicz Prize

Professor Adam Bielański Prize

Marian Kukiel Prize

Distinctions awarded to school textbooks











PAU works with the PAN Institute of History to compile and publish the Dictionary of Polish Biography (DPB). From 1935-1949, the DBP was published by PAU. Subsequently, its continuation was halted for ideological reasons. It was revived only after the Polish October of 1956. It was then that a dedicated office for producing the DPB was established as part of the PAN Department of Documentation. The dictionary resumed publication in 1958 and continues to be issued to this day.
The DPB office was raised to the rank of a department in 1975.
Since 1999, PAU has contributed to compiling the dictionary by making 193 m2 of floorspace available free of charge to the Department for the Dictionary of Polish Biography.

Webpage of the Dictionary of Polish Biography –

PAU is now conducting well over a dozen research projects [Link to projects subpage], which are supported by  the Ministry of Education and Science (now National Science Centre and National Programme for the Development of the Humanities). PAU has also benefited from grants awarded by the Senate of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, and the Małopolska Voivodship Regional Operational Programme.
The indefinite grant from the Lanckoroński Foundation for the publication of Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae series at PAU has already been mentioned.


Research projects conducted by PAU that are financed by the state budget

Go to the project’s website

The ‘Kraków Scientific Conferences’ programme was proposed by the Kraków Consultative Council for Scientific Affairs appointed by the President of the City of Kraków. It has been running since 2011 and provides funding for the best conferences and symposia organised by the scientific community in Kraków. The focus is on international conferences lasting a minimum of two days and attracting a large number of participants. In addition to supporting scientific activities, the programme aims to promote Kraków as a city of learning, research, culture, and tourism.
Funding for its implementation is provided by the City of Krakow, and a competition to identify conferences worthy of financial support is organised by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. The competition’s commission is composed of representatives of the rectors and presidents of eleven universities and research institutions in Krakow and the directors of the relevant city council departments.
It meets at the beginning of each year to evaluate the proposals submitted and to allocate funds. Administrative support for the competition is provided by PAU, and the contracts are concluded and the money transferred by the City of Krakow.
Approximately eighty conferences are supported each year.

Lanckoroński Foundation and De Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation Scholarships

The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences disburses the Lanckoroński Foundation and the De Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation scholarships for research conducted in Rome, Vienna, London, and other centres of learning in Europe.
As a result of an agreement between the Lanckoroński Foundation and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences of 6 and 23 October 1995, which was expanded to include the Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation and supplemented on 12 September 2012, the two foundations transferred the management of their scholarships, which they had been awarding to Polish humanists for research abroad for many years, to PAU. According to the agreement, and in line with established practice, in principle only archaeologists who study the Mediterranean, historians, art historians, classicists, and historians of philosophy can apply for scholarships.
The range of topics covered by historians, art historians, and historians of philosophy should not extend beyond 1939 and can only extend to 1989 in exceptional cases. The scholarships are awarded annually by a commission at PAU, which is made up of two PAU members, a secretary representing PAU, and representatives from the Jagiellonian University, the University of Warsaw, the University of Wrocław, the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.  Commission sittings are attended by representatives  of both foundations, who are designated by the foundations’ presidents.


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