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Nagroda Jerzmanowskich 2024 dla doktor Hanny Machińskiej

Nagrodę PAU im. Erazma i Anny Jerzmanowskich za rok 2024 otrzymała pani doktor Hanna Machińska, prawniczka i działaczka społeczna zaangażowana w walkę z dyskryminacją, ksenofobią i nietolerancją, autorka wielu publikacji z zakresu ochrony praw człowieka.


Partnerami wydarzenia są
Województwo Małopolskie i Miasto Kraków.



Zapraszamy na posiedzenie naukowe:



Strona konferencji z okazji Jubileuszu 150-lecia Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności (2022 r.)


Information for authors


PAU publishing issues reviewed scientific monographs: level I – 80 points 
(Communication of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 18 January 2019).


PAU publishing policy and procedure


1.The PAU imprint publishes scientific monographs, materials from conferences organised or co-organised by PAU, and texts and translations of historical sources.


 2. Publications are financed from the subvention PAU receives for its statutory activities or from external sources. 


3. Proposals for publications are notified as follows:

a) The author or editor of a collective work presents the work at a meeting of the relevant PAU faculty or commission. The presentation should include original, previously unpublished research results and indicate the need for their publication by PAU (e.g. relevance to the activities of the academy). Authors who are not members of PAU faculties or commissions should address their proposals to the chairs or boards of those bodies (;

b) If the proposal to publish the presented work is approved by a vote, the faculty or committee board shall submit to the publisher:

  • an application in the shape of the form appended to this policy and procedure (Click here for form);
  • a complete set of files containing the text (in Word or RTF) and illustrations (JPEG, TIFF) ready to be sent to the reviewers;

4. Proofreading

The Publishing Committee refers the submitted work to at least two reviewers, which guarantees the objectivity and reliability of the reviews. The Publishing Committee shall not be bound by names of reviewers submitted in the application form. Reviewers are required to sign a declaration that they will not use the reviewed work for their own benefit or personal needs and that they have no conflict of interest with the author(s). Contracts with reviewers are signed by the director of PAU Publishing.


5. License agreement

The author reads the reviews without knowing the names of the reviewers (single blind review) and is obliged to respond to their comments, that is, to amend the text in accordance with them or justify rejecting them.



6.The decision to accept a work for the publication schedule is taken by the PAU Publishing Committee after it has considered the reviews and the author's response, it being understood that:
a) Publications financed from PAU’s own resources are sent for production according to a ranking determined by the Publishing Committee, their number depending on the funds allocated for publishing activities in the PAU budget;
b) Externally-funded publications are sent for production after they have been approved by the Publishing Committee and funding has been secured.
Information for authors of journal articles is published on the pages of the individual journals:

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