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Lanckoroński Foundation and De Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation Scholarships

The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences disburses the Lanckoroński Foundation and the De Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation scholarships for research conducted in Rome, Vienna, London, and other centres of learning in Europe.
As a result of an agreement between the Lanckoroński Foundation and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences of 6 and 23 October 1995, which was expanded to include the Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation and supplemented on 12 September 2012, the two foundations transferred the management of their scholarships, which they had been awarding to Polish humanists for research abroad for many years, to PAU. According to the agreement, and in line with established practice, in principle only archaeologists who study the Mediterranean, historians, art historians, classicists, and historians of philosophy can apply for scholarships.
The range of topics covered by historians, art historians, and historians of philosophy should not extend beyond 1939 and can only extend to 1989 in exceptional cases. The scholarships are awarded annually by a commission at PAU, which is made up of two PAU members, a secretary representing PAU, and representatives from the Jagiellonian University, the University of Warsaw, the University of Wrocław, the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.  Commission sittings are attended by representatives  of both foundations, who are designated by the foundations’ presidents.