Bieżący numer
T. 22
KRAKÓW 2024 |
Recenzenci tomu:
- Ryszard Kasperowicz
- Stefan Muthesius
W tomie 22
Júlia Papp
Die Anfänge der institutionellen Kunstwerkfotografie in Ungarn (1859–1885) [ pdf ]
The Beginnings of Institutional Artwork Photography in Hungary (1859–1885)
SUMMARY [ pdf ]
Jindřich Vybíral
Alfred Woltmann and the History of Contemporary Art [ pdf ]
Magdalena Kunińska
The Collector (Karol Lanckoroński), the Scholar (Marian Sokołowski) and the Artist (Jacek Malczewski). Three Gazes upon Asia Minor [ pdf ]
Grzegorz First
Between Two Emerging Disciplines. Art History in Vienna and Classical Archaeology in Cracow on the Breakthroughs in Art [ pdf ]
Anna Głowa
Wissenschaftlichkeit in Alois Riegl’s Study of Late Antique Textiles from Egypt [ pdf ]
Sabrina Raphaela Buebl
Defining a Discipline: Kunstgeschichtliche Anzeigen as a Critical Organ for the Vienna School [ pdf ]
Tomáš Murár
‘I am wrong about my qualifications, or I do not have any friends’: Archival Research on the First Professorship of Max Dvořák [ pdf ]
Annette Hoffmann, Barbara Kristina Murovec
Josef Strzygowski and Avguštin Stegenšek. Some Remarks on their Jerusalem Studies [ pdf ]
Beate Störtkuhl
Interactions between the Imperial and Royal Central Commission for the Preservation of Monuments and the Conservator Milieus in Galicia [ pdf ]
Violetta Korsakova
On Lviv Art Historians and a School that Never Was [ pdf ]
Milena Bartlová
Cultivating its Own Roots: Czech Art History in the 1980s in Search of its Own Beginnings [ pdf ]
Kronika Komisji Historii Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności za rok 2023 [ pdf ]