Submission guidelines
Folia Historiae Artium. New Series welcomes original, previously unpublished scholarly papers, reviews and obituaries, written in Polish, English, German, French and Italian. Papers sent for consideration, which are supposed to appear in a given year, must be received by the end of March of that year.
A submission should include a title of the paper, an abstract (approx. 2,000 characters), a captions list and illustrations. All materials should be sent to the editorial board electronically (texts as .doc or .docx files; images as .jpg or .tiff files). Quotations or bibliographic references appearing in the original in non-Roman script must be transcribed and written in Roman characters.
Authors are responsible for securing permissions to reproduce images, both in the print and electronic editions of the journal.
While submitting a paper, please provide your first name, surname, title and affiliation and contact details on a separate cover sheet. Personal details of the author or any information revealing his/her identity must not appear in the paper proper.
After the paper has been accepted for publication, authors will be asked to sign a licence agreement with the Publisher, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności [The Publishers of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences].