

The Quarterly of Private Law (Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego) has been published since 1992 by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (Polska Akademia Umiejętności). The Quarterly publishes articles and materials on Polish, European and foreign private law (including family and commercial law), conflict of laws, agricultural law, labour law and civil procedure. The Quarterly does not publish comments or reports on case law.

Suggested journal title abbreviation: KPP

The Quarterly of Private Law is only published in paper format (the original version)


The Quarterly of Private Law is published under the aegis of the Committee on Legal Affairs (a functional body of the Second Department of History and Philosophy of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences)

Visit the website of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (in polish)

ISSN 1230-7173