Archival page of the journal

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Copyright and fair use


The journal complies with the Polish and the international copyright law.

The content of the journal is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivative works 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0) license. (



Human-readable summary of the license:

Full text of the license:


In other words, the users of this website can use the materials published on this website free of charge as long as they meet the following requirements:


(a) “BY” – they acknowledge the authorship of the materials (i.e. they will not assign the authorship to themselves);


(b) “NC” – they will use the materials only for non-commercial purposes (i.e. they will not use them for commercial purposes without the consent of the Author(s) and the Editors);


(c) “ND” – they will not create derivative materials (i.e. they will not modify the materials or use them as basis for their own works without due regard for the rights of the Author(s) of the original works and the Editors).



Fair use of the texts published by the journal includes: non-commercial private use for the purpose of research, teaching, commenting, criticizing, quoting, paraphrasing, informing and archiving with due regard for the current copyright law and with detailed bibliographic information of such publications.

The authors who would like to have their texts published in the journal reprinted should apply to the Editors for written approval of such reprint (free of charge). They are also required to include complete bibliographic information of the original publication in the reprint.